Friday, November 30, 2012

Atlantic crossing

Atlantic Crossing from Africa to S. America

We played a version of "are you smarter than a fifth grader" with the college students and all the children on the ship.  It was a fun way to pass all that time while we crossed the Atlantic.
The children ended up winning!

We had a list of over 100 cabin doors to knock on for Halloween candy!

one of the girls who tutors's Riley on the ship, and her homemade costume
Trick or Treat!
One of the girls who tutor's Rachael was a kitty.

There was over 30 pounds of candy!

The two halloween bunnies fell asleep in mommy and daddy's bed all by themselves.
After 10 days of not seeing any other ships crossing the Atlantic, it was exciting to see life other than our own as we neared Argentina.

the sunset as we began to sail up the river to Buenos Aires

we got scheduled a bridge tour for the kids so we could see and learn how the ship works.

trying on the captain's hat

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