Friday, August 3, 2012

Two years later and we are on the ship again for another 4 month voyage!  The countdown has begun with only 12 days until we leave.  Lots of planning and getting packed in the next 12 days  Luckily this time we have a better idea this time how to pack for 4 months away from home.  I think we have mastered the art of traveling light at this point!

The girls are very excited about getting to be on the ship again and meeting all the new friends they make on every visit to the ship.  They are both saying they will miss their beds at home the most and of course Tully, our dog.

We are excited to have cousin Emily join us this year. She has just graduated high school and she gets to start college on the ship, traveling the world!

This time I hope to visit a school in each port we visit.  I plan to post pictures and video of the trip to this blog and to facebook. I also hope to do some kind of video journal with the girls and post it to the blog, but sometimes putting their experience to words can be difficult at their age.  I don't even have the words sometimes!  I can take pictures of their scrapbook artwork and share those too.

Please feel free to comment and ask any questions you have and the girls or I will love hearing your comments, and answering questions.

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