Monday, September 10, 2012

Comparisons from each country...

the girls each choose two things to experience and share from each country.

Rachael chose to try a hamburger in each country and to taste it and rate it on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the best.
She also chose to meet a dog in each country we visit and take a picture of it, and pet it if it was friendly.

Riley chose to try hot cocoa in each county and also rate it on a scale of 1-10.
Her second thing she chose is to make a fairy home for the fairies in each country we visit, and take a picture of it when she is finished building it.

Here are the first pictures from Ireland...

Riley rated her hot cocoa as a 10 for taste and as a 10 for very fancy!

Rachael ate half the burger, the bun was dusty on top, and she said the meat tasted different. She gave it a 2.
The Irish dog greeted us minutes after we first stepped foot into Ireland. Very friendly just like the Irish people.

Riley working on her fairy home in Ireland where fairies come from, she worked for a long time.

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