Monday, September 17, 2012

Riley asked me to take a picture of some real Irish clover, we couldn't find any with 4 leaves.
A much needed open space to tun after being cooped up on the ship for the Atlantic crossing.
We were in Ireland for only 3 days, one day in Galway and 2 in Dublin.  The first day we took the girls to the aquarium, since it was a rainy day.  We all had a good day burning of some steam after being cooped up on the ship for the Atlantic crossing. The girls ran of some energy at a huge field and playground next to the aquarium.  It was rainy and cold outside but that did not seem to matter to them at all, they were so happy to be off the ship.

We spent a day traveling on the ship to get over to the other coast of Ireland and Dublin.  We spent day one in Dublin walking around the city and exploring.  We found a science exhibit at Trinity university, and they recommended that we take the girls to a science activity center a few blocks away.  So we found the science center after lunch, and the girls spent the entire afternoon in there making various things with electricity and chemistry.  They loved it, they were the only kids that came in there for the entire afternoon, it was all young adults who came in to build and play!  They loved it, and it was the highlight of our trip to Ireland for them.  Science is the same no matter what country you are in, a favorite.
The first thing we did in Ireland was explore the Galway aqaurium, there were lots of hand's on activities, even feeding the fish!

The second day in Dublin we went to the Library that houses the Book of Kells and got in line early to see it.  Riley and Rachael had been watching the movie the Secret of the Kells at home and on the ship so they wanted to see it.  Riley was more interested that Rachael, and was a little disappointed when it was just a book under a glass case.  It having real gold on the pages redeemed it a bit in her eyes. Then we took the train out of the city for the rest of the day.  We visited a small harbor town called Howth.  It reminded all of us of morro bay, and we missed home being there.  Howth showed us some of the green rolling hills you expect of Ireland, and some open spaces.  The Irish people were always happy to see us and very generous and laid back. Here are some pictures from Ireland.

"Who are you talking to cousin Emily?"

Looking at the map to plan our adventures for the day.

Busy cobblestone streets of the medieval section of Galway

The tallest, narrowest spiral staircase we have seen, it was in a toy store and 4 stories high!

A toy store in a  500 year old building.

We arrived in Dublin and walked to a science museum.  Dublin had many more modern buildings mixed with the old.

Making brush bots at a science center for kids (and grown ups) the girls loved it.

More science center, making lava lamps.  The girls both said he was hard to understand when he gave instructions, because of his Irish accent.

walking in the old section of Dublin looking for a place to eat dinner.

We waited in line to see the library and Book of Kells, a 1000 year old book made before the invention of paper in Europe.

The girls founds a friend from the ship who was also waiting in line for the Kells, so the wait was fun:)

the wet misty days made for green everywhere even on the grey stone wall of the buildings.

We took the train to get away from the city of Dublin, and get out into some open spaces.

We ended up in Howth, the girls loved exploring in the rocks along the shoreline.

Riley was carrying this rock to bring it back because it was a flat shape, that would make for a heavy suitcase!

finally a little bit of green coastline in Ireland.

cobblestone street in the rain

A little castle and watchtower for the harbour in Howth.
Howth harbor, the end of the train line out of Dublin. 

The first Irish pub we ate in, it was like a maze with many small pockets and the girls loved exploring the old building.

There were many bridges in Galway, we took this photo from a bridge right next to this one while it was raining.

mermaid purses, (shark eggs) raising their own sharks and rays at the aquarium,
Riley watching the ocean fish as big a she is..

Rachael NOT touching the rayfish at the Galway aqaurim.

The first playground in Galway, right next to the aquarium.

 we could actually see the shark and ray embryos moving in the egg cases!

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